Michee is set to release his new album ‘Diglielo Tu’ to international audiences
a classic Pop-infused album, recorded in the renowned Powerplay Studios Zürich
Singer / Songwrighter
Michee is no stranger to mixing languages and musical influences in his long and fruitful career, starting playing accordion when he was 6 before also learning piano and flute. Well-versed in Swiss, Italian, English, German and Spanish, his music has seen international success across Europe and seen him write music for Billy Todzo, Larry Woodley and Dhenibe Romea. Having spent years composing and performing music at piano bars and orchestras, it wasn’t until his sons opened their professional recording studio and nudged Michee to pursue a serious music recording and publishing career.
Michee nasce a Zurigo ma ha origini lucane. All’età di sei anni, suo nonno gli regala una fisarmonica e da la nasce la sua passione per la musica. Dopo anni di pianobar e orchestre, continua a scrivere canzioni che per molto tempo rimagano nell cassetto. dopo aver scritto canzoni per billy todzo, Larry woodley e Dhenibe, finalmente l’esordio cin i suoi primi brani Voglia Di Te, Elettrica, Tu Ce Faci e Quante Vite Costa. Il suo objettivo e raggiungere il maggior numero di persone con le sue canzoni e trasmettere emozioni.
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